Action toolkit

Media and messaging

Action Toolkit For: HIV & Human Rights Advocates 

Topic: Media & messaging

Take action! Tell your story. Persuade. Correct misinformation. Inspire. Inform. Be visible. Develop talking points. Strategise. Engage. Amplify.

Mainstream reporting on HIV criminalisation can be sensational and stigmatising. Headlines, images and language can increase the notoriety of specific defendants, and can further stigmatise individuals who are already members of marginalised groups. At the same time, various forms of media are critical for getting your messages across to a wide audience and for putting pressure on the targets of your campaign.

Cover of Making Media Work for HIV JusticeMaking Media Work for HIV Justice: An introduction to media engagement for advocates opposing HIV criminalisation equips grassroots advocates to respond to the media and demystifies the practice of working with, and through, media to change the conversation around HIV criminalisation. 

Pay particular attention to the action-oriented information, case studies and tools in the “What can we do?” section.

These links should take you directly to those sections, if not, we have provided the relevant page numbers.

Action: Make a plan

Action: Learn from other HIV criminalisation activists

Action: Use the correct terms

Action: Centre survivor stories & the leadership of people living with HIV

Those directly affected by HIV criminalisation are powerful and authentic voices to centre in HIV criminalisation messaging and advocacy. 

  • It can be difficult and risky to share your own story and experiences. Be selective about the details you want to share and ensure that you have support. 
  • Support and protect people living with HIV who speak out.


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